Orders of Service
2 February
Raumati combined HC - Rev Anna Gilkison (here)
26 January
Raumati United@9 combined Raumati at 10 -Rev Roger Wiig (here)
19 January
Raumati United@9 combined Raumati at 10 - Rev Robin List (here)
12 January
Raumati United@9 combined Raumati at 10 - Rev Anna Gilkison (here)
22 December, Advent 4
Waikanae 10am - Christmas Service, Worship Group (here)
Raumati combined 10am - Lessons and Carols, Rev Roger Wiig, (here)
15 December, Advent 3
Waikanae 10am - Readings and Carols, Sue Hodgson (here)
8 December, Advent 2
Raumati 10am - Barrie Woods (here)
Waikanae 10am - Rev Anna Gilkison (here)
1 December, Advent 1
Raumati 10am - Rev Anna Gilkison (here)
Waikanae 10am - Carole Rudings and Kate Foley (here)
24 November:
Services in response to the abuse and neglect of children in the care of State and Faith-based institutions 1950-1999.
United@9 combined Raumati 10am - Rev Anna Gilkison (here)
Waikanae 10am - Rev John Roberts (here)
​​17 November:
Raumati 10am Giving, an essential for life - Rev Roger Wiig (here)
Waikanae 113th Anniversary - Worship Group (here)